UPDATE: In mid-May, Providence Public Schools adopted a compassionate grading policy for the fourth quarter of the 2019-2020 school year. Students' grades can only improve or remain the same from where they were pre-COVID—no one will be penalized for a drop in their academic performance during the period of distance learning prompted by the current health crisis. All grades for the fourth quarter will be listed as either "pass" (course averages of 60 and above) or "pass, needs improvement" (course averages below 60).
“No young person should be penalized because an unprecedented public health crisis is preventing them from performing at their normal academic level—especially when lower-income, black and brown students will be the ones most negatively impacted.“
Read our new op-ed published on Uprise RI urging Providence Public Schools to move to opt-in credit/no-credit grading for the final term of the school year.
Article link: https://upriseri.com/2020-05-02-jacob-osborne-rose-albert-becky-kerner/